If you wonder when will Apex Season 5 start, please note that the start date is May 12 (that is today). I was just playing an Apex ranked game and at the end of that game, I was not reworded with RP, because the season rank was locked as Season 4 just ended.

In a few minutes, season 5 of Apex will start, bringing a new Character into the game, named Loba. She has a very versatile gameplay that allows her to teleport and steal loot, also she has an amazing ultimate, granting her and her allies the chance of instantly picking any loot in a region. Another amazing ability for Loba is that she can see trough walls high tier loot.
What do you need to do if you are in the game when Season 4 ends and Season 5 starts? You must log off the game and close Origin launcher. Then, open Origin again and Apex game will start updating. I still have 22 minutes remaining on the clock for the download of the Apex update for Season 5.
So in conclusion, Apex Season 5 start date and time is May 12, 7:00 PM EET. Please use a time converter for your zone to find out at what time Apex Season 5 will start in your region.
See you in the game, happy hunting in Season 5.
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